We have a team that benefits from over 15 years cleanroon equipment fieldwork and experience.
To tell the truth, stainless steel pass box offered by Guangzhou HaoAir Purification Technology Co.,Ltd. is not the cheapest in the market but has a very good price-performance ratio. As a quality-oriented enterprise, we always consider the quality first and then customers' interests the second. While in the manufacturing process, we utilize raw materials with superior quality sourced from reliable suppliers and put large investment in the technologies and manual labor. These measures lead to a not-so-cheap cost of the finished products. However, as a company with our own manufacturing plant, we can save our cost of purchasing from others which indeed costs a lot. Contact us for a detailed price now.
HaoAir Purification takes an important part and will have a wide development prospects in modular cleanroom field. The surgical scrub sink series is widely praised by customers. HAOAIRTECH Rigid box filter is designed in line with the basic rule for furniture design. The design is carried out based on style and color complementarity, space layout, reconciliation effect, and decoration elements. A sample of the product can be offered for the confirmation of quality. The product can last for a long time. It can withstand erosion, corrosion, fatigue, creep, and thermal shock throughout its life. The product focuses on the good physical conditions of the workers in the workshop.
HAOAIRTECH's ambition is to lead the peak in clean room carts industry. Inquire!