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DownFlow Booth


DownFlow Booth 

The haoairtech Powder Handling Downflow Booth is designed to protect workers from breathing unsafe  levels of particulates during material handling operations. Air flows from the booth ceiling, 

down across the operator's head, and into a grille below the operator’s waist level, thereby drawing particulates away from the operator’s breathing zone.

 This push-pull effect offers much greater protection than a horizontal or vertical only airflow booth design.  The air inside the Downflow Booth is re-circulated and requires no net draw from the room housing the booth, providing an economical approach to HVAC costs.

Down flow booth a

All material handling operations must be performed within the safe working zone, and not exceed the maximum distance behind the rear wall exhaust grills,where airflow patterns start to become turbulent. The open floor plan of a Downflow Booth offers versatility and unhindered operator movement compared to the ergonomic and space restrictions of an isolator.

Our Downflow Booth is an appropriate control for materials with an operator exposure limit (OEL) of <100 µg/m³, reported as an 8 hour TWA. Surrogate testing of our Downflow Booth design illustrates that the booth is capable of providing a significantly greater level of protection with good operating techniques and additional engineered controls such as localized ventilation at the dust generation source. 

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