Designing points of the sintered mesh cartridge do you understand

by:HAOAIRTECH     2020-08-12
Oil filter is a lot of equipment you need to use, as long as is a machine you need to use the use of fuel oil filter to the fuel filter, because the metal machine with the increase of time, there will be some metal powder production, the filter oil filter. Designing points of the sintered mesh cartridge do you understand? Let us oil filter manufacturer told you sintering net filter design points. Design key points of particle tackles with high efficiency; To accept air flow resistance is low; Large amount of dust. At the same time the accuracy of the measuring parameters. Intercept efficiency design is based on the original efficiency block dust weight determination of the filter material. The filtration material and fiber properties. Plant fiber and polyester fiber has its own tackle particles. Block is not a simple aperture to intercept, it contains various adsorption effect, glass fiber obviously than plant fiber tackle particle effect is good, not because of its fine fiber and mesh is small, but its adsorption ability of particles. The above is our oil filter manufacturer told you sintering net filter design key points of related content. If you need to buy oil filter, please choose us oil production factory production of oil filter, the quality of our oil filter is fine. If you are looking for air compressor air filter, filter, air filter, oil filter there is one thing to understand, welcome to inquire our oil filter manufacturer. 662. html
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